HVC Church Family


We celebrate our own church community  and ask that God would move amongst us, individually and together. Take time to pray for individuals and their needs, as well as asking God to lead us in His ways and love.

First and foremost we want our church to be a place where we are encountering Jesus and seeking to follow Him in all that we do. Below are some areas of our church life that we can pray for:

  • For God’s presence to be amongst us and for us to have a hunger for Him and His kingdom

  • Vision and direction for how God wants to lead and shape us

  • For God to speak to us and open up the opportunities He wants for us- we encourage you to listen to what these might be!

  • People experiencing God’s freedom, healing, baptism and choosing to follow Jesus and His ways

  • Services and gatherings: for His presence and for God to bring people to encounter Him

  • Connect groups- for these to be foundation in our church of community and growing together Gathering events- for continued relationships and inviting people to the family

  • Serving teams and continued provision for these: AV, worship, refreshments, welcome, children

  • Children and young people- particularly for more children’s work leaders and for the children to be encountering Jesus and His Holy Spirit.

  • We also pray for the new youth group that Kev and Rachel will be starting in September Storehouse- continued provision and for God to bless families in Hemel abundantly

  • Continued guidance and encouragement for our leaders For individuals in our family- praying for one another and the situations we are facing.

Is there anyone God is prompting you to encourage today?

Listening: what is God speaking to us collectively?